Innovative and Inclusive Practices
The Innovative and Inclusive Preschool Practices Exemplar Lead(s) provide innovative and inclusive classroom models and technical assistance for preschool continuum options in order to ensure that students found eligible for special education and related services have access to the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). These Exemplar Lead(s) have established programs in place that have provided positive outcomes for students and families.
Exemplar Leads for Innovative and Inclusive Practices
Bonita Unified School District
Liberty Grammer has worked as a School Psychologist since 2009, joining the Bonita Unified School District (BUSD) in 2010. She has led the Preschool Assessment Team since 2012, working and collaborating closely with the BUSD team of specialists and providers in addition to community agencies including the San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center and Options for Learning Head Start in support of IDEA Part C to Part B assessments. Liberty has been instrumental in supporting the B.L.A.S.T. program (Building Lifelong Academic Skills Together), a preschool inclusion program in the BUSD that promotes inclusivity while teaching play and social skills, pre-academic skills, as well as adaptive skills to preschool aged children.
Sonoma County SELPA
Susan Langer is a certificated teacher, school psychologist, and administrator who has served as a SELPA Program Specialist with the Sonoma County Special Education Local Plan Area (Sonoma County SELPA) for the past 4 years. Susan worked as a school psychologist for 15 years and then served as a special education principal for 6 years. Susan has expertise in English Learner assessment, inclusive strategies, practice-based coaching, and behavior in addition to being certified in Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Susan supports evidenced-based inclusive practices in preschool settings utilizing tiered intervention supports and guidance that is focused on ensuring sufficient infrastructure supports are in place to support children’s access to quality, inclusive learning classrooms. Susan is the Embedded Instruction for Early Learning-CA Administrator, Coach, Trainer, and Statewide Cadre lead for LEAs within her SELPA and region.
Bonita Unified School District
Taylor Smith is a Program Specialist with the Bonita Unified School District (BUSD) in San Dimas, California. She has more than 16 years of experience working in the field of special education, and holds both mild/moderate and moderate/severe teaching credentials. Taylor served on the BUSD preschool assessment team for 4 years and was the district’s Inclusion Specialist prior to becoming a Program Specialist for Elementary Programs.
Innovative and Inclusive Practices Resources
This compilation of resources provides information and links for understanding inclusion and learning inclusive practices and strategies that can be used in the classroom to support of all young learners.